Talking about all things boozy (and non-boozy) is so my jam!
Let Go, Harness the Season of Your Life to Regain Control with Ease (Instead of fighting against it) Sign up here to be the first to know when this free training goes live. (Yes! There will be recordings)
There is no “one way” to change your relationship with alcohol. Private, personalized, and high-touch coaching with me will finally get you clear about why you drink, why you don’t want to drink, and will help you answer the age old question, “will I ever be able to drink again?”
The private coaching experience was designed for the professional woman, and busy mom (or both!) in mind who intuitively know there is more to life on the other side of the bottle, but can’t seem to break the cycle of drinking.
Private coaching is for the woman who wants to….
Break the habit of drinking wine to unwind
Learn other coping mechanisms other than wine to relax and have fun
Confidently go out to happy hour without needing to drink
Show up for themselves in a way they never knew was possible
Remove “willpower”, “guilt”, “shame”, and “control” from daily vocabulary
Discover and transform the subconscious programing that’s playing under the surface and holding you back
Receive both science-based and soul-felt guidance to change your mindset
What to Expect
The Unraveling. The first third of our sacred time together, we will spend digging dip into your story, and uncovering the beliefs that have been subconsciously running your life.
The rebuilding. Somewhere in the middle we start to create new habits and patterns that match the real you.
The New Beginnings. You will begin to write a new story with you as the author. There is nothing more freeing than to deeply know you can orchestrate your own life.
The Results
Personalized toolkit to confidently confront the ups and downs in life
Clarity on your unique relationship with alcohol
A desire to be present in your life
A momentum towards creating your best life yet
Easy, do-able breathing techniques and other modalities to de-stress
All in: 3 month Coaching Commitment
Perfect for those ready to go all in. You are tired of another “day 1” and are ready for some big changes in your life. We will work together to get to the root reason why you drink, and work on changing the subconscious mind for lasting, sustainable change.
You can expect to deepen your connection with self, and to uncover the lies and marketing schemes that keeps our society drunk and numb. You’ll feel more excitement and alive in your body. You will receive accountability and guidance to get your there. This is for the woman who is sick and tired of thinking about drinking.
If you overindulge daily, weekly, or monthly this can be a good place for you to fully understand if it’s the alcohol or YOU making the decisions.
Initial 75 minute discovery call
Weekly 50 minute coaching calls (9 total)
Immediate access to a platform where you will receive lifetime access to 60 days of virtual gifts (lessons) with science-based learning, interviews from other women, actionable lessons, food-for-thought, mocktail recipes, breathing techniques, meditations, and much more.
Two post 100 day bonus calls
Email + text support during business hours throughout
And little surprises along the way!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to give up alcohol for the entire 12 weeks?
That's the idea! Like most adventures worthwhile, it's meant to be scary as bejezuess, but that's why we are doing this together. I mean, have you ever tried to stop eating sugar but all of your co-workers are sugar ants who are constantly gnawing on candy? It's much easier when we band together.
What if I slip up and drink during the program?
Not to worry, young grasshopper, you'll just try again the next day. I completely understand each person enrolled in this course is in a different stage of their drinking "career". There are some people who join that know in their heart of hearts, this is it, they are done. While others who enroll find something that clicks on the desire to not drink mid-program. For some, it isn't their time yet to quit drinking. All the little nuggets you learn from me and from the group of women here will serve you later in life when you are ready.
I'm not an alcoholic. Can I still enroll?
First off, no labeling here. It doesn't matter to me if you call yourself an alcoholic, heavy drinker, low-bottom drinker, high-bottom drinker, boozer, binger, high-functioning, low-functioning, no-functioning, one-glass-a-nighter, a Rose or Bubbly, lush, partier, wino, If you're three sheets to the wind, drink like a sailer, "in your cups", you found yourself on this page for a reason. One thing everyone who joins this program has in common is you want to take a breather from drinking, and you'd like a little company while doing it.
I don't think I can afford this program right now?
I'm a firm believer in not "selling" this program. Since I guide such small groups and 1:1 through this program, I only want women to sign up if they feel drawn and ready to show up in a massive way for themselves, and for others in the group. That being said, think of the money you'll be saving by not boozing' it! Yep, go ahead, do the math. How much are you spending on alcohol? Don't forget to add in the drinks with dinner!
I am currently alcohol free, but I feel like I'm still missing something in my life?
This program is perfect for you! It's all about self -DISCOVERY. The lessons dive deeper into your "why" for not only not drinking, which usually unearths your reason for living, your purpose. It's a fun process, and I love guiding people along the way!
Who is this program NOT for?
If you are an acute alcoholic, meaning, you are concerned if you quit drinking cold-turkey you may have serious physical withdrawal symptoms like seizures. If this is you, seek guidance from your doctor before starting this program, as an observed medical detox may be a better option for you.
“Pick yourself up and try again”-love, me.
Today, I am 64 days alcohol free thanks to Camille’s program. I am in my mid 50s and had slowly
developed a habit of excessive drinking that worsened as the decades passed. I had tried all sorts of moderation plans which all landed me back in the same place; a cycle of drinking, regret, low self-esteem and drinking again. I saw no way out.
When my health began to deteriorate I knew something had to be done. I was fortunate to find
Camille’s program and committed to be alcohol free for two months. The small and supportive private face book group was a huge accountability aid. Camille leads the group with live check-in meetings each week where everyone is given the opportunity to talk about how they are doing and what problems they have been dealing with.
Camille is very approachable and understands the difficulties we face while trying to unhook ourselves from alcohol’s destructive grip. She is a caring and genuine teacher and I highly recommend her program to anyone who needs help to get drinking out of their life forever.
This program has been life changing for me. I feel healthier, more productive and optimistic about the future. I now know how to take care of myself without the crutch of alcohol. Thank you, Camille!
Cathy Hamm--Canada
I'm a 43 year old woman, who like so many of us in this pea soup of the human experience, has a lot of shame, guilt, and anxiety born out of my past experiences. Although I've spent countless hours and dollars working my way through them, I let alcohol be a salve for the deepest and darkest of my emotions. Alcohol got the best of me, and it was compromising everything I hold sacred in my life.
I knew it was time to address it, and Camille came into my life just when I needed her. Her comprehensive approach to alcohol cessation was key to helping me understand alcohols place in my life and how it was keeping me from being the best of myself. She used a variety of tools including online small group sessions and workshop exercises to tease out the complexities of alcohol use. She brought in excellent group speakers and taught us biofeedback techniques as alternative coping skills to the bottle.
Her hands on approach, kindness, and patience for my process was really key to developing awareness around alcohol use, and as much as alcohol cessation was the objective of the 8 week course, I got so much more out of it. I am so much more self-aware and objective when it comes to reaching for alcohol and I've been able to set boundaries where before I couldn't.
This course was extremely well-organized and easy to access. Her small-group approach kept it a safe place to express vulnerabilities and receive support from my peers battling the same demons. Like me, if you're ready to make a quantum leap in your life, this course is a catalyst to doing so. Awesome experience!
ND, Pullman Washington
Camille's course, "Think Beyond the Drink," and the small group of like-minded women who were also enrolled, helped me realize that yes, I can do this! Going alcohol-free, whether for the challenge period or longer, was not only possible but liberating. And hard--but that's where Camille and my cohorts came in. Camille's group of caring women provided a sounding board, support, and accountability. I highly recommend this course if you would like to experiment with having a fuller life, sans alcohol.
Beth B.
"I originally decided to work with Camille after watching an interview clip with her and then reading through her Think Beyond the drink blog. My interest was piqued. I decided that night to take on the challenge of no alcohol and see just how my body responded. I am 90 days in this challenge. I’m not going to limit it to 100, but see just where this thing takes me. I learned so much during my 8 weeks working with Camille about not only alcohol and how it affects me personally, but how to grow stronger in my emotional and spiritual being so that I can face the day fearlessly. I didn’t know I was stagnant in these aspects of my life and now am growing stronger and more capable to handle the daily stresses of being a mother to a young child, working, and relationships. The techniques Camille shared have been life changing. I don’t know if I will ever (or never) drink again, but I know if I do my mind set has changed about what alcohol is and isn’t. Thank you Camille for being real, caring, honest and connected." -GK